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Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 4
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That is a typical example of the operation of the law of Vital Adjustment. Due to the established fact that the body will adapt itself to the point of craving to the death a destructive poison, it is not difficult to understand that, by countless ages of practice, the body has become so firmly and completely habituated to the stimulating effect of food, that it will gradually sink down in death when deprived of that kind of stimulation. We must remember that it is stimulation and not nutrition in this case.
If sudden death results from the physiological shock of depriving the body of a certain poison, it should not be mysterious that death by steps and stages occurs from the shock of depriving the body of another form of stimulation called food.
It is well to consider that both eating and drinking are voluntary and controlled practices. Not only are these under man’s conscious control, but he can go without food for weeks and without water for days—but to stay the breathing is to stop the living. This evidence proves beyond question the paramount importance of air to the body.
Furthermore, the function of respiration is an automatic, involuntary process, and so far beyond man’s conscious control, that he breathes when unconscious in sleep, or from injury, even better and deeper, more regularly and rhythmically, than when conscious and awake. Furthermore, polluted air disturbs the sleeper more than it does the worker. Quite often the cause of insomnia is bad air.
It is impossible for one to commit suicide by holding the breath. As soon as consciousness is lost, breathing automatically begins again.
It is neither reasonable nor practical that man’s body is so constituted that its existence on earth depends on the exercise of voluntary and controlled processes, such as eating and drinking are.
The breathing function is not only automatic and involuntary, but the primary function of the living organism. All other functions are secondary and designed to keep the body fit to perform Respiration.
The lungs are definitely constructed and constituted for their work. They are by far the largest organs in the body, filling the thorax from the clavicle to the floating ribs and from the sternum to the spine.
In comparison, the stomach is an insignificant organ, being only an enlargement of the alimentary canal that extends from mouth to anus.
In the 19th century a group of eminent doctors, composed of Hufeland, Rowbotham, Raymond, Rayer, Gumbler, Monin, Freille, Bailey, Winckler, Easton, Evans and others, working independently, made a special study of the causes of Old Age and death from so-called natural causes. Without exception they all arrived at the same conclusion by finding that the cause is—”We eat to live, and we eat to die” (Densmore, P. 284).
If we eat to live, how can we eat to die? If we eat to die, how can we eat to live?
These doctors found that we grow decrepit and go to the grave because of what we eat, and that appears as definite and irrefutable evidence to prove that eating is not natural.
All authorities who have investigated the matter, agree that as man descended from the Breatharian State, he first ate fruit. Then came the time when he began to fish and hunt, and he added flesh and fish to his diet. He next became a “husbandman” (Gen. 9:20) and began to till the soil, and increased his diet with the addition of vegetables and cereals.
These authorities place fruits and nuts first in their fitness as food; animal products are placed second, vegetables third, and last and worst, pulses and cereals. The latter, due to their excess of earthy minerals, are most suited of all foods to induce ossification of the tissues and joints, thickening and hardening of the muscles and arteries, and consequent and inevitable premature Old Age—that decrepitude and imbecility almost universal, but wrongly reckoned as a necessary condition of senility.
Each step man took he considered progress—as he still does. It was progress in the wrong direction—as it still is. But he never turns back. As he took the first step of this “progress,” his health began to decline and his life-span to decrease—but the cause was a mystery to him.
When the cause was definitely discovered, it was too late to do much about it. Man’s body had suffered such serious degeneration and had so completely adapted itself to the new regime, that he refused to resist his craving for it, finding it easier to sicken and sink into an early grave than to fight against the bad habits that had enslaved him as he “progressed.”
In this age he is still progressing, still adopting new habits, while holding hard to the old ones, and is steadily sinking both mentally and physically—while “medical science” wages its “bitter battle against disease,” as was boastingly declared in the press of February 15th 1925 by Dr. Morris Fishbein, late editor of the Journal of the A. M. A.
“Not only does he last, but he ceaselessly overcomes the difficulties and dangers of the outside world. He accommodates himself, much better than the other animals do, to the changing conditions of his environment. He persists in living despite physical, economic and social upheavals. Such endurance is due to a very particular mode of activity of his tissues and humors. The body seems to mold itself on events. Instead of wearing out (collapsing) it changes. Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give man a maximum duration. The physiological processes...always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of man. This strange function, this watchful automatism with its specific characters, makes human existence possible. It is called Adaptation.”—191-2.
People know so little concerning the adaptive functions of the body. Hence it will be difficult for the reader to understand that the weaker his body becomes the longer its duration under adverse conditions.
Carrel himself appeared not to know that man “persists in living despite physical, economic and social upheavals,” because of the fact that as the “body seems to mold itself on events,” it suffers in the process a corresponding weakness which will be explained as we proceed, and that explanation will be so new to the student that he will miss some vital points unless he reads this lesson several times.
We shall begin by referring to the fraudulent claim that the world is filled with evil entities which attack healthy persons without reason and the result is “disease,”—something so dangerous that it must be combatted and cured.
A deceived world believes in this and rejects evidence that exposes it. Carrel believed in it to the extent that he asserted, “scientific medicine has given to man artificial health” (P. 311).
It requires great prejudice to blind a scholar so completely that he cannot see the obvious absurdity of such a statement.
According to cosmic law, man reaps as he sows; and that law has no exception (Gal. 6:7). We shall use that law as a guide to lead us through the wilderness and confusion created by Carrel’s “scientific medicine.”
Doctors volubly discuss the theory of “resistance to disease,” and Carrel believed in it. Supposedly good health makes man “immune” to disease-breeding influences, to the attack of germs, to vicious habits, to hostile environment.
The theory of “scientific medicine” is that man is attacked by disease because of a weakening of the natural body defenses. Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S., a medical practitioner of fifty years, wrote:
“The exciting and contributing causes of pneumonia may be, and are, legion; but they all simmer down to the one point, viz., the breaking down of the natural body defenses (Truth Teller, April 1944, P. 2).
In his daily column in the press of June 8th, 1944, Irving S. Cutter, M.D., said:
“Now is the time to think of getting rid of that chronic winter cough. Yes, bacteria are responsible. But their very existence with all the irritation they can create, means that basic resistance (of the body) is too depleted to throw them off.”
The better doctors know the germ theory of disease is false.
If it were true, no man nor beast could live long. They would be literally devoured by “disease germs.”
Natural science shows that correspondence must prevail as between the living organism and its environment. That is the positive, primal, and fundamental condition of Existence.
It were impossible for primitive man to come into physical being unless the proper, perfect and harmonious condition of his Environment prepared the way. Furthermore, the health condition of man’s body can never be any better than the health condition of his Environment, with the condition of which his body must always be in correspondence.
Bananas grow not in a cold climate because their constitution does not correspond with such climate. Salt water fish live not in fresh water because their constitution does not correspond with such water. That is natural science.
Man is the most perfect of all creatures, and is able to rise superior to bananas and fish by reason of his body’s “watchful automatism with its specific characters” which “make human existence possible.” He can modify the condition of a hostile climate or adjust himself to it so as to live for a limited time in the hottest and coldest regions on earth.
The Law of Correspondence in this case means that a condition of harmony must exist as between living things and their environment, or they will die and disappear. That does occur occasionally, causing certain plants and animals to become extinct.
Spencer formulated the Law of Eternal Physical Existence and sought to show that Death was the end result of environmental changes which the living organism had not adapted changes to meet, thus creating a condition of discord and friction that sent the body down to death.
The human body is so perfectly constituted that it possesses the power to prolong its duration by adapting itself to conditions so adverse that they would otherwise cause not only early death, but instant death in some cases.
On this point Dr. Charles W. Greene wrote:
“As the air exhaled from the lungs contains a large proportion of carbon dioxide and a small amount of organic matter, it is obvious that if the same air be breathed again and again, the proportion of carbon dioxide and organic matter in it will increase until it becomes decidedly unfit to breathe.
“It is a remarkable fact that the organism, in time, adapts itself to a very vitiated atmosphere, and that a person soon comes to breathe, without sensible inconvenience, an atmosphere which, when he first enters it, feels intolerable. But such an adaptation can occur only at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long continued or often repeated” (P. 286).
There is a definite statement of what occurs in the body as its “watchful automatism with its specific characters make human existence possible” in an atmosphere so badly poisoned that it feels intolerable when one first enters it. The adaptation occurs “at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long-continued or often repeated.”
That is how the body builds up “basic resistance” to inimical influences and unhealthful conditions. We must first weaken the body’s vital powers before it will submit without protest to “the dangers of the outside world” and the evil effects of bad habits.
The secret of Vital Adaptation is the riddle that puzzles the doctors. They term it immunity. The body acquires immunity to dangers by reducing its powers to resist them. Exactly the opposite of what medical art teaches.
We shall recite another instance of this weakened condition which medical art terms immunity. Greene continues.
“This power of adaptation is well illustrated by an experiment of Claude Bernard. He showed that if a bird is placed under a bell-glass of such size that the air contained in it will permit the bird to live for three hours, and the bird is removed at the end of the second hour, when it could have survived another hour, and a fresh, healthy bird is put in its place, the latter will die at once” (Kirks Physiology, revised by Greene, P. 304).
According to medical theory of “vital resistance,” the fresh healthy bird should have resisted the effect of the polluted air in the bell-glass and lived for three hours. But it died immediately; whereas the other bird that had been under the bell-glass for two hours and suffered a certain degree of debilitation by reason of breathing the poisonous exhalations of its own body, could have lived for another hour.
This illustrates what Carrel means when he says, “Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give man (living creatures) a maximum duration. The physiological processes (of all animals) always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of man.”
Man in civilization is born into and grows up in an environment of polluted air that may kill in a day a wild Indian of the hills, whose vital body would react so violently to the shock, that death may soon result.
No matter how repugnant or destructive a thing may be, we can endure it provided time is given to secure the efficient operation of the body’s power of adjustment, whereby is prevented a violent swaying of vital activities from one extreme to the other. Only sudden and violent changes become immediately destructive to life, even sometimes when it is a change from evil to good habits.
By the reduction of its vitality, the body pays in the process of becoming “immune” to discordant conditions, to poisonous substances, to evil habits.
That is the reason why the vigorous Indians of America became a “dying-race” when they came in contact with the enervating habits of the white man of Europe who survived in spite of the evil effects because he was born in and grew up under those health destroying conditions. His body was accustomed to them, was adjusted to them; but the body of the healthy Indians was not, and they died like flies.
All evidence proves conclusively that the more vital the organism, the more quickly it succumbs to unhealthful conditions and harmful practices. That is another paradox. We live in a world of illusion.
There is a natural condition of Vital Adjustment to unhealthful conditions and harmful habits, but no Vital Resistance. That is another fallacy that belongs in the same category with the absurd theory of “contagious diseases.”
It is a paradox that the body, in a weakened condition, will tolerate and endure longer than a more vital body, the various evil practices and inimical influences which it cannot control, and which it must endure or die. Carrel says “the body perceives the remote as well as the near, the future as well as the present,” and it prepares accordingly (P. 197).
Creative Intelligence knows that the weakened body will endure more and live longer under adverse conditions. This appears paradoxical, yet the truth of it every scientist can demonstrate for himself.
The condition of the living organism is governed by habits, environment and climate. If these are good, vigorous health and longevity are the rewards.
Conversely, when this trio of factors is bad, the body is forced to adjust itself to endure them, or perish. It is either endurance or death.
But for the Law of Vital Adjustment, the race had perished ages ago. As it is, a gradual degenerative process through the ages has reduced man’s life-span from eighty thousand years to an average of much less than eighty.
It is Vital Adjustment, not Vital Resistance, that enables the body to survive for a few miserable years, with aches and pains, in air so foul that one in vigorous health would be in danger of dropping dead by suddenly coming in contact with it, as the vital bird thrust into the air that was polluted by the exhalations of the previous bird under the bell-glass.
The Law of Vital Adjustment makes it possible for the body to tolerate man’s evil habits. That makes it possible for the smoker to endure and even enjoy his poisonous pipe. The same pipe would make a vigorous non-smoker ill, or might cause death; as death in such cases has been reported.
The vital youth in his ignoran
ce takes his first smoke. His vital body reacts with such vigor against the dangerous poison that sickness results. The degree of his sickness is the measure of his vitality. The more vital his body, the sicker he is.
Here are the poisons found in a chemical analysis of tobacco; Nicotine, nicotinuine, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane, methylamine, hydrogen-sulphide, furfural, nicotelline, pyrrole, pyridine, picoline, lutidine, collidine, formaldehyde, carbolic acid, prusic acid, arsenic.
Chemical analysis shows that cigarettes contain the following active poisons: Furfural, acrolein, diethylene, glycol, carbon monoxide, pyridine, nicotine, carbolic acid, ammonia, and a host of tarry substances.
The tarry substances in tobacco smoke are approximately 2.25 percent. They stick to the walls of the lungs, forming a coating that obstructs the free passage of oxygen into the blood. Those who must breathe air laden with tobacco smoke are injured almost as much by it as are the smokers.
These are the poisons to which the body of the smoker adapts itself in order to survive. It is either endurance or death.
The use of purgatives and laxatives in the case of constipation illustrates the work of the Law of Vital Adjustment. As these poisonous substances are used to force the bowels to move, the body slowly adjusts itself to them and from time to time the dosage must be increased to make the body act, or some other poison more powerful must be used.
As the horses grow weary drawing the heavy load, the whip must be used harder to drive them on. As the body weakens from constipation and the poisons that force bowel movements, the dosage must be stronger or more powerful poisons used to make the body act.
The youthful smoker disregards the warning reaction of his body. He continues the harmful habit, and gradually the poisons of the tobacco weaken the nerves and reduce the vitality to where it cannot fight back. Now he can smoke in comfort and experience immediately no ill effects. He has established “immunity” say some people. But in so doing he is taking the short-cut to the grave. The body slowly sinks into a process of degeneration and slow suicide under the power of the deadly enemy.