Man’s Higher Consciousness Read online

Page 5

  We may well say that what is termed the Law of Vital Adjustment is also the Law of Vital Reduction. It is the process of vital reduction that brings the body into subjection to any devitalising substance, influence, habit or practice.


  The body’s vitality is reduced to save it from sudden death and prolong its duration. Instead of dropping dead, one dies by inches, and in the process of slowly dying one suffers until the body can endure no more and the grave ends all.

  Great is the power of the body to adjust itself to conditions and poisons that would destroy it. Far greater than man can imagine.

  The Law of Vital Reduction will enable the body to adjust itself to the point where the opium addict can take at one time a dose of dope so large that it had killed him quickly had he at first taken a dose that large.

  The law may cause the body to adjust itself to the point where the venom of the reptile will fail to kill. The Grit of October 14th 1951, reported the case of Bill Haast who is said to be in that condition. The account is as follows—

  “He is full of snake poison himself, for when he first began handling the reptiles he set out to make himself immune to their bites.

  “The serpentarium owner inoculated himself with larger and larger doses of snake poison and now believes he is the only man in the world genuinely immune to all types of snake venom.

  “He has been bitten by nine cobras and many other times by rattlers, moccasins, corals, and various other kinds of killers.”

  As the Law of Vital Adjustment operates in the case of smoking and other bad habits, so has it operated in the case of eating. When man first began to eat, the substances that entered his then rudimentary stomach were poisonous to his body, as in the case of tobacco. He persisted in eating and the Law of Vital Adjustment brought his body into harmony with the habit.

  But such an adaptation could occur only at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long-continued or often repeated. That is the law and there is no exception to its operation.

  Some substances man eats are still poisonous to him after all the long ages he has followed the practice. His body has never been able to adjust itself completely to some of the things he eats.

  Tea and coffee still make sick some who drink these, and no one can avoid their harmful effects.

  As the flesh eater becomes a vegetarian, the Law of Vital Adjustment goes into operation, and the time comes when even the odor of the meat market or of boiling beef, which was formerly so fragrant to him, becomes obnoxious to him. These are facts that are unbelievable to him who knows them not by actual experience.


  What medical art terms “immunity” is a condition produced by reducing the body’s vitality. The reduction is accomplished by weakening and dulling the nerve system, and it may have far reaching effects.

  The Federal Bureau of Census discloses the shocking fact that the number of persons 15 to 19 years old in this country in 1950 was 14 percent less than in 1940, whereas the population in the same period increased 19,500,000.

  The startling decrease in the number of young people may be the damaging effects of vaccination and inoculation—in an effort to make man disease-proof. Perhaps those who manage to survive the process and live long enough to reach adulthood, will never know the meaning of the term good health.

  The damaging effect of vaccinating and inoculating all school children seems to appear in the young men of draft age. The press of June 21st 1952, reported that 11.6 percent, or 1,443,315 of the 12,416,129 men it classified from 1948 up to April 30th under the draft system have been put in Class 4-F, as unfit for military service.

  This includes the states, the District of Columbia and the territories. The Canal Zone, where the medical rule is less rigid in the vaccination and inoculation of children, had the lowest percentage of 4-F’s.

  Acute diseases are nothing more than symptoms of the body’s reaction to internal poisons, or a condition of “acid saturation” as Crile calls it.

  There is no absolute immunity to internal poisoning. The body cannot be saturated with poisons and not suffer a corresponding degenerative change.

  The condition of apparent immunity to poisons, to bad habits, or to so-called disease, arises because the poisonous substances, or the vaccines and serums, dull the nerves and reduce the body’s vitality, making the body unable to react against the poisons that a more vital body would cast off in the eliminative process which are termed diseases.

  Man gains so-called immunity by paying the price. That price is a dulling of the nerves that reduces the body’s vitality, and that is the short-cut to the cemetery.

  The wholesale practice of vaccination and inoculation is poisoning the body and reducing its vitality and decreasing its duration so fast, that the death-rate after the age of 45 is steadily rising. Professor C. H. Forsyth of Dartmouth College was reported in the press of July 30th 1929, as stating:

  “The expectation of life from the age of 45 on, is the lowest of which we have any record. Far lower than it was forty years ago—and it is still falling.”


  “Man ceaselessly overcomes the difficulties and dangers of the outside world. He accommodates himself to the changing conditions of his environment. The body seems to mold itself on events. Instead of wearing out, it changes. Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give us a maximum duration. The physiological processes always incline in the direction of the longest survival.”—Man, The Unknown.

  These statements by one of the great scientists of the age, so far as living organisms are concerned, mean much more than many understand.

  By reason of the perfection of the body and of the power of vital adjustment possessed by it, a power little understood by the greatest scientist, man has been able to survive thru the ages in spite of his changing environment and his evil habits.

  The toll taken thru the ages by the evils and dangers thus thrust upon the body, has been a deterioration of the body’s organs and structures that has reduced its duration from a period that probably once covered nearly a hundred thousand years to that of much less than one century in modern times.


  Modern institutions attempt to conceal the facts of human degeneration by deception, by the destruction of ancient records, and by leading people to believe that the race is progressing, moving upward, and that man now stands at the very pinnacle of his earthly career, that his scope of knowledge is greater than the race has ever before possessed.

  There is not a scrap of evidence to support these claims. They are empty and misleading. They fall before every impartial investigation, and do much damage and no good. They weaken all desire to live a better life and discredit those who present the facts. They constrain the multitude to regard and treat as an enemy any teacher who would show the way back to the better life, making it dangerous to expose fraud and advocate race improvement.

  The elements of Time and Tear have no effect on the living body. The turning of the earth on its axis means nothing to a body that is repaired and renewed every minute of its existence.

  The body neither ages nor wears—but it weakens. The causes of the weakness include man’s hostile environment, his harmful habits, and medical treatment.

  Carrel seemed to disregard habits and medical treatment. He saw only “the difficulties and dangers of the outside world.” He is right in holding that a hostile environment is enough to weaken the body and send it to the grave; but the difficulties and dangers of man’s habits and medical treatment are often more injurious than those of the external world.

  As a result of the inimical conditions to which it is subjected, and the injurious substances that enter its receiving chambers (air organs and stomach), the body changes instead of wearing out, as Carrel says.

  The body changes may be briefly considered
under three main heads, viz.,

  (1) a change in the organs and glands ruled by the Law of Vital Adjustment,

  (2) causing changes in their functions, and

  (3) a change in the quality of the cells and tissues.

  By this course the body gently sinks into a slow process of degeneration instead of dying suddenly, giving the body a maximum duration under the circumstances, because it is able to change as Carrel says.

  1. The changes in the body’s organs and glands, under the Law of Vital Adjustment, cause some of them to fall below par and, in time, lapse into a state of dormancy or semi-dormancy. The others must increase in size and function to compensate for this loss, putting a strain on them as the body struggles to survive under the handicaps it is forced to face.

  2. The changes in function resulting from the change in organs and glands are numerous and are for the worse. A condition of slow deterioration sets in, and its symptoms are what doctors are trained to term “disease.” In time these changes appear as diabetes, Bright’s disease, arthritis, neuritis, lumbago, rheumatism, and so on through the entire list of diseases.

  3. The change in the quality of the cells and tissues appear in that condition of weakness known as old age,” where and when the activity and elasticity of youth are succeeded by the slowness and stiffness of decrepitude.


  The changes are not the work of Time and Tear, but of harmful habits, a hostile environment, and that medical treatment which begins after the babe is born, as vaccination and inoculation to make the body disease-proof,” and is continued all through life. The body is poisoned and weakened at the start, begins its decline into degeneration immediately, and is never given an opportunity to recover.

  As the organs and glands become dormant or semi-dormant, the body and its functions change in its adaptation to evil influences that reduce much of its integrity and efficiency, and it loses much of its spiritual capacity and faculty to function on the spiritual plane.

  The evidence of this loss is most apparent in the brain, and proof of this loss is found in the institutions of civilization that are filled with the insane and feeble minded. It is common knowledge that civilized man is mentally only ten percent of what he should be and the few on earth still sufficiently sane to see the light are those who are jailed and liquidated on charges of obstructing social progress by exposing the social pattern.

  Man as a Breatharian received all his substance of the Cosmos directly through his Air (Spiritual) Organs, and thus functioned on the Spiritual Plane while dwelling in the Material World. His spiritual capacity and faculty to function on the Spiritual Plane failed in direct ratio as his body changed and became more material through the internal changes suffered by his organs as a result of the body’s adapting itself to the evil influences which it could not control, and which it was forced to endure or die.

  In the perfect state of Breatharianism, man’s body was free of the clogging and dulling substances of the material world; and it must be free again of these damaging substances before it can return to its perfect state, when man was competent to explore with his mind the Spiritual Universe and possessed actual knowledge of the fact that he is of that Kingdom and has eternal life. But one should not court danger by trying to return to Breatharianism too quickly.

  In his present, degenerate state, man’s body is afflicted with all the cumulative effects of his harmful habits, his hostile environment, and the poisons introduced into his body by the doctors. That is the change, as Carrel called it, which we know as the shocking stage wherein man’s physical organism sinks into the decrepit stage termed old age. He is taught to expect it, as his body wears out.

  On the contrary, the best doctors declare that the body does not and cannot wear out, and is so perfect, as a machine, that it should go on forever.


  As evidence of the progress of degeneration, Royal S. Copeland, M.D., former New York Health Commissioner, said in the press of June 27th 1930:

  “Fifty years ago there was a population of a little more than fifty million people in the United States, 4,000 of whom were centenarians. At the present time, with more than double the population of fifty years ago, there are only 2,841 people who have reached the age of 100.”

  Dr. John Harvey Kellogg wrote: “Civilized man is dying. This melancholy fact is recognized by all students of anthropology. Such eminent economists as Major Darwin, son of the famous Charles Darwin, and Professor C. B. Davenport of Carnegie Institution, consider the case hopeless, and believe that man will ultimately become extinct through degeneration.”—Good Health, August 1930.

  Max Heindel, an author of note, in writing on Man’s past evolution, present constitution and future development,” attempts to show in his book under the Science of Nutrition,” that decrepitude and death result from a change in the body’s organs, structures and tissues because of what man eats and drinks. He ignores “the difficulties and dangers of the outside world,” which Carrel saw, and failed to notice the wholesale manner in which the race is being poisoned. Heindel wrote:

  “There is a gradual increase in density and firmness of bones, tendons, cartilages, ligaments, tissues, membranes, the coverings and even the very substance of the stomach, liver, lungs and other organs. The joints become rigid and dry. They begin to crack and grate when they are moved, because the synovial fluid, which oils and softens them, is diminished in quantity and rendered too thick and glutinous to serve that purpose

  “The heart, the brain, and the entire muscular system, spinal cord, nerves, eyes, etc., partake of the same consolidating process, growing more and more rigid. Millions upon millions of the minute capillary vessels which ramify and spread like the branches of a tree throughout the entire body, gradually choke up and change into solid fiber, no longer pervious to blood.

  “The larger blood vessels, both arteries and veins, indurate, lose their elasticity, grow smaller, and become incapable of carrying the required amount of blood. The fluids of the body thicken and become putrid, loaded with earthy matter. The skin withers and grows wrinkled and dry. The hair falls out for lack of oil. The teeth decay and drop out for lack of gelatine. The motor nerves begin to dry up and the body’s movements become awkward and slow. The senses fail; the circulation of the blood is retarded; it stagnates and congeals in the vessels. More and more the body loses its former powers. Once elastic, healthy, alert, pliable, active and sensitive, it (changes and) becomes rigid, slow, and insensible. Finally, it dies of old age.”

  Medical art says the body wears out. Carrel says it changes. Given above is a good description of the more apparent changes. From the changes listed many others occur that are less noticeable and harder to describe.

  It is unnatural for the body thus to change; and the changes do not come of their own accord. The body battles against them, but they are forced upon the body by the persistence of a hostile environment and man’s harmful habits.


  The changes come slowly, gradually, steadily, while the body is constantly struggling against the various handicaps in its fight to live. The evidence of this struggle are the symptoms termed disease.

  The cause of the changes are not in the body, but “in the difficulties and dangers of the outside world,” and in the difficulties and dangers of man’s evil habits.


  The great Carrel, in his work, “Man The Unknown,” wrote: “The body seems to mold itself on events. Instead of wearing out (dying), it changes” (degenerates) (P. 192).

  We have described some body changes in the foregoing pages, showing how and why the body sinks into degeneration and death. There is another phase of the subject to which we shall now refer.

  On page 197 Carrel said that the body’s intelligence possesses both a prevision and a provision. It perceives the remote and the near; the future and the present, and provides, by definite changes, for such conditions an
d emergencies as its prevision shows that it must meet—or perish.

  Carrel failed, for some reason, to proceed from there and present some evidence of changes which the body makes and has made in order to survive under new conditions that prevailed not at the time when man first came into physical being. Had he done so, he would have uncovered some strange and startling things.

  Could Carrel, as a doctor, see the present rudimentary organs and glands in the body, and not understand that they must have been useful and functional at some early period in man’s life? These rudimentary structures must represent changes the body has made in its struggles to survive under adverse conditions.

  Could Carrel view the stomach and intestines in modern man and not realize they were rudimentary structures in the days when man was a complete Bretharian?

  With that evil disorder Constipation so prevalent that it is termed the “national disorder,” and with few folks free of hemorrhoids (piles), of stomach and bowel troubles, with thousands suffering from appendicitis and many dying from appendectomy, could Carrel pass these glaring facts and not perceive that something must be wrong? How could he, as a doctor, fail to understand that all this misery and these disorders indicate a shifting of the body from its original course?

  Even a layman knows that if a machine fails to perform efficiently a certain work, that failure is evidence that the machine is asked to do what it was not made to do.