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Tell us how long man’s created wants and unnatural desires will mean money for Commercialism, and we will tell you how long man will remain in his present condition of slavery.
It is interesting and important to note that as man moves back toward primal Perfection, his wants decline and his economic burdens decrease. We thus learn what these burdens are and whence they came. We see them as the product of man’s created wants and unnatural desires which Perfect Man had not. Man has produced them, and he can destroy them.
It was not until man began to form habits and adopt practices which created wants that he began to decline and degenerate. He was deceived then, as he is now, by the illusion of progress as he developed new habits that increased his wants. He considered then, as he does now, that each new invention was a mark of progress while he and the doctors were puzzled by the fact that his health continued to decline and his life-span to decrease.
Economic freedom is the first step back toward man’s high estate of primal Perfection. Every animal, in its native state, has economic freedom. Man is the only economic slave on earth. He has made himself such by his unnatural wants and acquired desires.
In complete freedom from every want, to be dependent upon nothing, man’s mind and senses are under control. He is released from the consequences of action, which are bonds and chains, binding down those who are the slaves of want and desire.
“Life is the expression of a series of chemical changes.”—Osler in Modern Medicine P. 39.
Modern science has spent years trying to define Life, and some of the many definitions advanced appear under “Life” in our work titled “SCIENTIFIC LIVING.” In “The Book of Popular Science” it is said:
“What is Life? That is another question and the answer is one of the profound mysteries. Science has explored life down to a single cell of living matter, but exactly what makes that cell alive is not known.”
One of the main concepts of science, the “living protoplasm” which has been regarded by science for a century as the source of life, was exploded in 1937 by a group of America’s foremost scientists, who showed that protoplasm is composed of numerous, ordinary particles, visible by modern methods, and not one of these particles is alive.
Protoplasm is the sticky, whitish substance of which living tissues seem to be made. It was so named in 1840 from the Greek, Protos (first), and plasm, a thing formed, and means “the first creation.’
Dr. E. N. Harvey, of Princeton University, related how, under the microscope, protoplasm has literally fallen apart in the whirling centrifuge and fine testing methods. It appeared to be composed of cells, bits of fat, granules of colored matter, proteins, threads, hollow bubbles, nuclei, minerals and a complex of other substances,—”not one of which,” he said, “can be considered as living except insofar as it is indispensable for the continuance of Life.”
Thus the mystery of Life remains unsolved so far as modern science is concerned. Osler declared that Life is not an entity nor a principle, but only the expression of a series of chemical changes.
Then came the famous Carrel whose experiments showed that Osler is wrong, Carrel said, “The childish physico-chemical conceptions of the human being, in which so many physiologists and physicians believe, have to be definitely abandoned” (Man, The Unknown, P. 108).
This leaves Medical Art with no law of Physiology, and it cannot have one until it knows what makes the body function.
The Science of Chiropractic discovered the law of Physiology, and the law was formulated by the great Willard Carver, who died in 1943 at the age of 80. He founded the Carver Chiropractic College at Oklahoma City in 1905. Carver wrote:
“Organisms that move in the conduct we term animation, are not alive. Life is imminent in such structures, but not inherent in them. Life flows through them. We speak of a wire as being alive whilst a current of electricity is flowing through it. If we cut off the current, the wire becomes dead; yet the wire itself has assumed no visible change.
“Life, as it is observed in this material existence, is the action of Matter under the operation of Force. The body of man is alive in the sense that it is animated by the Life Principle flowing through it.”—(Psycho-Bio-Physiology).
According to Carver, the Living Organism is an instrument, and its animating power is the Life Principle. But this old doctrine of the Ancient Masters, who held that the Cosmic Spirit animates the body of man (Jn. 6:63), “is a mere superstition,” according to modern science, and accepted now only by the layman and the Chiropractors.
No satisfactory theory of the evolution of man, as advanced by the evolutionist, can be sustained so long as the Genesis of Life upon this planet is shrouded in darkness. The basic factors and causes of evolution are bound up in the question of Life itself.
The evolutionist begins with the Living Cell. Once given a primordial life cell capable of reproduction, and modern science constructs man physically, vitally, intellectually and morally. According to modern science, all these properties appear in matter as the result of “the expression of a series of chemical changes.”
Preposterous. That exceeds the work of the magician in pulling white rabbits out of a hat.
The evolutionist makes no attempt to explain the original appearance of the living cell itself. Nor does he explain the nature or cause that originated it. He does not explain the original division of living organisms into male and female. He does not explain the phenomenon of intelligence displayed in the conduct of all living things.
Modern science explains none of these things. On the other hand, it most unscientifically relegates them to the realm of the “Unknowable.”
Modern science confesses itself baffled at every point when it would explain how life evolves from non-life, how sensation evolves from non-sensation, how intelligence appears in living creatures. It fails to explain these phenomena just as it fails to explain how intuitive intelligence rises into rational intelligence, or how unmoral perceptions rise into moral conceptions.
The vigilant biologist traces life to the nucleated cell. Here, in the department of Protozoa, he becomes bewildered. He misses the connecting link. He fails to discover that subtle principle which enters into and converts inanimate substance into living organisms.
This lack of basic knowledge caused Carrel to state that, “Our ignorance (of the body and its functions) is profound....The mechanistic physiologists of the 19th century...have committed an error in endeavoring to reduce man entirely to physical chemistry (Man, The Unknown, P. 4, 34).
In more definite terms, modern physiologists of the orthodox school are still in darkness as to the body’s requirements and functions. What the body needs to sustain it and why its functions are things unknown to them.
The field is wide open for the consideration of Man, with almost nothing daintily known by physical science, and any reasonable theory advanced may be as correct as any other.
“Appetite comes with eating.”—F. A. Ridley.
In our work titled “THE NUTRITIONAL MYTH,” we stated that it is more difficult to explain why man should eat than to show that he should never eat.
It is said by some unorthodox physiologists that man should not eat; that what he does eat does not sustain his body; that the cells of which his body is composed are self-existent and self-sustaining, as are all other objects that are composed of atoms as the body cells are; and that man should have no more need for food than a stone or a star, since these also are constituted of atoms the same as are the body cells.
Science knows that the Parent Cell begins the body and builds it by a process of cell division and subdivision. Food does not build the cell nor the body. Neither can food sustain the cell or the body.
New cells are not produced by food but by the division of pre-existen
t cells. The new cells replace the disintegrated cells. Modern science knows that. It knows that the new cells are not the product of food. Yet it insists that the body is nourished and sustained by what man eats.
Consistency of thought demands that we proceed in our processes in a direct line through infinite time to infinite results. If food does not produce cells, if all cells of the body are produced by the process of division and sub-division of pre-existent cells, then food does not and cannot nourish and sustain the cells. In that case the cells need no nourishment, cannot receive nor use it, and are self-existent and eternal.
If food can produce and sustain Living Cells, if unintelligent matter can produce intelligence, there is no reason why man should not progress to infinite capacity by virtue of the power residing in the food he eats.
Experiments consistently show without an exception, that elimination is much more important than feeding. Many refuse to recognize that fact.
The maintenance of the vital condition of the body is more intimately and immediately related to and dependent upon the excreting part of the physiological process than it is upon the supply of new aliment.
Many refuse to recognize the fact that feeding may be suspended for a considerable period without causing anything more serious than loss of weight and strength. The records show that people have gone without food all the way from forty days to forty years, and still lived in good health.
But the elimination of the effete substance produced by tissue disintegration cannot be checked for even a few minutes, in warm blooded animals, without inducing fatal results.
Every act of respiration is in effect the leading process of excretion, and the only process of animation. For to stay the breathing is to stop the living (LONGEVITY—Chapter 3).
The products of cell disintegration are liquids and gases, of which the gases form the greater part. The major portion of the gases is eliminated via the lungs. The rest leaves the body thru the kidneys and skin. The liquids also leave the body via the kidneys, lungs and skin.
We reiterate that what man eats and drinks does not produce cells nor nourish them. The cells all come from the Parent Cell, the beginning point of the body.
The body cells do not depend on what man eats and drinks. They are not nourished. That is another illusion. The cells are far above the nutritional level, are independent of nutrition, and are self-existent and eternal—a fact demonstrated by Carrel.
Upon the demise of the body, the tissues, glands and organs disintegrate, setting free the cells that constitute these structures; and the immortal cells return to the Cosmic Ether, whence they came. The cells are perpetual and indestructible, as are all primal elements of the Universe, to which order the body-cells belong.
These facts have constrained unorthodox physiologists to advance the theory that the first men in the early days were Breatharians, deriving from the Divine Breath of Life (Gen. 2:7) all the substance the body required for its existence, and they lived from eighty thousand to a hundred thousand years—or until they were ready to return to their spiritual home, as stated in our work on LONGEVITY, Chapter 12.
The human body is now known to be a composition of trillions of cells. Each cell is a mass of millions of atoms, each of which is a globular system with “planets” whirling with tremendous speed. What use, asks the unorthodox physiologist, has such a system for food and drink? What use has our solar system for food and drink?
The body cells are endowed with unsuspected powers and astounding properties. Despite its smallness, the cell is an exceedingly complex organism that does not in the least resemble the favorite abstraction of the modern chemist—a drop of gelatine surrounded by a semi-permeable membrane.
While the structural complexity of the living cell is disconcerting to the orthodox biologist, its chemical constitution is still more intricate. A droplet of water forms a tiny microcosm containing, in a state of extreme dilution a great variety of cosmic elements. The body cell is practically a duplicate thereof, but raised to the exalted plane of divine animation.
Carrel says that the Parent Cell and the Cells that come there from are “not made of extraneous material, like a house” (P. 107).
He means that the cells are not composed of what man eats and drinks. He states that while the body is composed of cells as a house is of brick, the body is born of a cell that makes more cells, just as though a house originated from one brick, “a magic brick that would set about manufacturing other bricks. Those bricks, without waiting for the architect’s drawings or the coming of the bricklayers,” says Carrel, “would assemble themselves and form a house” and all parts thereof.
“The human frame as a machine is perfect. It contains within itself no marks by which we can possibly predict its decay. It is apparently intended to go on forever.”—Monroe.
The body is built of cells, the cells are composed of molecules, the molecule is composed of atoms, and the atom is composed of electrons.
Within the molecule in the three states of solid, liquid and gas, everything remains the same, i.e. the proportion of substance to emptiness does not change.
Electrons remain equally far from one another inside the atom, and revolve in their orbits in the same way in all states of cohesion of the molecule. Changes in density of matter, i.e. transition from solid to liquid and gaseous states, do not affect the electrons.
The area inside the molecule in the living cell is exactly analogous to the vast space in which move the celestial bodies, which space scientists assume to be void and empty. Radio proves that theory is erroneous.
Electrons move in their orbits in the atom in the cells of the human body just as planets move in their orbits in the solar systems of the Universe. The power of movement in all these instances comes not from food. There is one universal law that governs all bodies.
The electrons in the atoms in the cells of man’s body are the same celestial bodies as the planets of the sky. Even their velocity is the same. This now established fact shows how completely man’s body resembles the planetary bodies.
The Ancient Masters were right when they said, “As above, so below.” Man is microcosm and the Universe is macrocosm.
If the planetary bodies depend not on food for their origin and maintenance, neither should the human body. One universal law governs all bodies.
Why does it seem that man dies of starvation when deprived of food? Because his body is adapted to that kind of stimulation.
Somatic death results from the shock of the body’s being deprived of a certain kind of stimulation. It is the loss of that stimulation which activates the vital machinery of the body, and to which stimulation the vital machinery is geared, and adapted, and accustomed by reason of ages of practice.
As man adopted new habits through the ages, it was necessary for the body machinery to adapt itself to the new practices or perish. The adjustment occurred slowly, gradually, the body yielding to the new habits through the Law of Vital Accommodation only when the primary reaction was disregarded and the practice continued.
Each phase of the adaptive process can occur only at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long-continued or often repeated.
Man never turns back. He was proud of what he terms “progress” as he stupidly advanced from perfection to imperfection and greater imperfection. He believes that each new practice is an improvement, provided the effect of it does not kill him instantly. So he continues on his descending course, while his health steadily declines and his life-span constantly decreases. The basic causes are never suspected.
Deceptive propaganda is often put out to show man’s life span is increasing. People believe these report
s. They are false and calculated to deceive. It is the “life expectancy” that has increased, and not the life-span. The “life expectancy” has increased because more babies are living than they did fifty years ago.
In the press of July 30th 1929, Professor C. H. Forsyth of Dartmouth College said: “The expectation of life from the age of 45 on, is the lowest of which we have any record. Far lower than it was only forty years ago—and it is still falling, not rising.”
Carrel wrote,
“A man of 45 has no more chance now of dying at the age of 80 than in the last century....Not even one day has been added to the span of human life” (Man The Unknown, P. 178).
Man has died suddenly upon receiving bad news because his body could not take the shock. Many a man has died because the body could not take the shock of being deprived of a certain poison, as opium or morphine, which his constant use had forced his body to adapt itself to that stimulant so completely, that its use became a physiological necessity in the vital economy of the organism. The same is true of food.
Doctors know that it is dangerous to stop any practice too abruptly. No doctor will claim the body needs opium. Yet man sometimes does when deprived of it. It is a matter of common knowledge that the drug addict dies by inches from the effect of the poison which his body craves, and that it is dangerous to deprive him of it suddenly.
The more poisonous a substance is, the longer it takes the body to make the adjustment, the greater the adjustment from the perfect point, and the greater the shock when the body is deprived of that substance.
The greater the shock, the more dangerous the shock. The drug addict almost goes crazy when deprived of his poison. The nerves of the smoker practically go out of control when the last cigarette is gone.