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Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 2
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Scientific investigation shows that—
“We breathe to live and we breathe to die,
We drink to live and we drink to die,
We eat to live and we eat to die.”
In this work it is sought to show how to take DEATH out of Breathing, Drinking and Eating, so man may live 250 to 300 years—
As Dr. Robert McCarrison, of the British Army Medical Service in India, reported of a colony of people he found living in a certain Himalayan region, who were active and vigorous, yet so old in years that he was astounded and could not believe their records were correct. But he found no error in their way of keeping time. He said:
“Men well over 200 years of age were working in the fields with much younger men, doing as much work, and looking so much like the younger men, that I was unable to distinguish the old from the young.”—K. L. Coe in Correct Eating & Strength, March, 1931.
The living cell is animatized by Cosmic Force and Intelligentized by Cosmic Consciousness.
The human body is a mass of trillions of cells, guided by Infinite Intelligence.
Each cell is a mass of millions of atoms, each of which is a miniature solar system, with “planets” in the form of tiny electrons whirling at tremendous speed around a common center of attraction.
The solar system has no use for food. The electrons do not eat. The atoms do not eat. The cells do not eat. Why should man eat?
The Parent Cell begins the body of man and expresses the uncanny intelligence which it inherits from the Cosmic Principle of Creation. This cell does not come from food, and does not depend on food. The body is not the product of food, and should not depend on food.
Food cannot sustain what it cannot produce. As the body is not the product of food, it is actually not sustained by food.
Infinite Intelligence works in the cell, from the Parent Cell on through the entire existence of the body. Being directed by Infinite Intelligence, the cells know spontaneously the functions they are to perform in the construction and maintenance of the body.
The innate intelligence of the part the Cells must play in the whole body is a mode of being of all the elements of the body, These elements know their work, and can receive no aid from human hands.
The body cells are seen to understand numerology, geometry, physiology and biology, and act conceitedly for the good of the whole.
The spontaneous tendency of the cells toward the formation of the organs of the body is a primary datum of observation.
The body, from the Parent Cell on, is built by techniques and directed by Intelligence entirely foreign to the best scientific minds.
From the Parent Cell, composed of invisible atoms, and out of the invisible Essence of the Universe in the Infinite Air which contains ALL in itself, the body and its organs come into being by the work of cells endowed with Infinite Intelligence.
The cells prove by their work that they possess a prevision of the future structure and its purpose, and they synthetize from the atomic substance that appears to be contained in the plasma, not only the building material, but also the builders.
The trillions of cells forming the body are tiny suns and stars, composed of the same cosmic essence and governed by the same cosmic law.
A droplet of water forms a tiny microcosm containing a great variety of cosmic chemical elements. The body cell is practically a duplicate of a water droplet, but raised to the high plane of divine animation.
If the cells depend on food and drink, man should continue to grow and live as long as he had sufficient food and drink.
According to the press of May 27th, 1937, Srimati Bala, of Bankura, India, age 68 had taken no food nor water since she was 12. The account said “She is always gay and looks like a child.”
What is possible in one case is possible in millions of other cases. Abbe N. Montfaucon De Villars stated in his book that the Ancient Masters ate food only for pleasure and never of necessity (Compte De Gabalis).
The world is flooded with books on food and feeding. No one seems to realize that eating is not natural, but an acquired habit, like smoking and drinking, and that Air is the Cosmic Reservoir of all things, including the substance that builds and sustains the human body.
Science shows that the body is built of cells, which are composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms, which are composed of electrons, which are nothing more than whirling centers of force in the ether.
Electrons do not eat, atoms do not eat, molecules do not eat, cells do not eat, and the body is built of and sustained by the cells, and not what man eats.
More proof that eating is not only a habit but a bad one, appears in the fact that a sick man often begins at once to recover when given no food, and even shows signs of growing younger.
This could not be, and it would be dangerous for one to fast, if eating were natural and food were needed to sustain the body.
Why does man seem to starve to death when deprived of food? That riddle “MAN’S MIRACULOUS UNUSED POWERS” considers.
For more than half a century the author read books on food and feeding, and closely followed the arguments and explanations. He found those who favored Vegetarianism omitted all the bad features, and the same course was pursued by those who favored Carnivorism.
Books favoring Vegetarianism say nothing of the damaging qualities of vegetables and cereals. Those favoring Carnivorism carefully omit the damaging properties of flesh.
These authors lead their readers astray with half-truths. A half-truth is more dangerous than a lie, as it is more misleading.
The author describes the damaging qualities of all foods, and favors none. What he shows will shock the reader and show him why that group of eminent doctors in the 19th century, after studying the food question from every angle, concluded with this astounding statement:
“We eat to live, and we eat to die.”
Why is it possible that we eat to live and eat to die? If we eat to live, how can we eat to die? If we eat to die, how can we eat to live?
In this work these puzzling questions are considered and answered.
Physical Perfection would be Physical Immortality; and Herbert Spencer formulated the Law of Physical Immortality as follows to-wit:
“Perfect correspondence would be perfect life. Were there no changes in the Environment but such as the organism had adapted changes to meet, and were it never to fail in the efficiency with which it met them, there would be Eternal Existence and Eternal Knowledge” (First Principles).
Breatharianism is Physical Perfection. Man came into physical existence a Perfect Breatharian. God breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life, and man became a living entity (Gen. 2:7). Nothing was lacking, and nothing more was needed.
The Breath of Life supplied all the requirements of animation. The Breatharian needs air only, and nothing more, to sustain his body. In that state of Physical Perfection man has no other wants. The less man needs the more he becomes like gods, who use nothing and are immortal—said the Ancient Masters.
Poverty, Want and Sickness are the work of man. They are the products of his habits which correspond with his desires. He increases his burdens as he multiplies his wants.
The less man needs the more complete he becomes. He gains Perfection as he gains freedom from all Wants. The more Wants he has, the less complete he is, and the farther he inclines from Perfection. He changes his world as he changes himself.
“Every living thing must breathe the air in order to live. The tree breathes the air through its leaves. The leaves are in this sense the lungs of the tree. Insects breathe the air through tiny openings in their bodies. Frogs breathe the air partly through the skin. Fishes breathe the air by taking oxygen out of the water as it passes over their gills. Man breathes the air through the air cells of the lungs.”—Frederick M. Rossiter, B.S., M.D., L.C.R.P., London.r />
“Hardly anyone understands this science (of breathing), which all should know and practice. It is the air that renews our blood and brings life to all our organs. It is the air that helps to give us balance and to keep our physical and psychic functions in good order...Most people use only a third, a quarter or even a fifth part of the lung’s total surface.”—Professor Edmond Szekely.
Modern Man is the degenerate descendant of the Breatharian. During the millions of years that man has inhabited the earth, his environment and the many habits he has formed have forced his body to adapt itself, under the law of Vital Adjustment, to many evil conditions and harmful substances in order to survive, all of which are foreign to the body and injurious in character.
Every fact of living existence, the Law of Vital Adjustment, the evidence contained in ancient scriptures, all prove without an exception that modern man is the product of descending Evolution—Devolution.
The scanty evidence that has survived from the remote past, shows that modern man has slowly descended through the five stages
1. Breatharianism.
2. Liquidarianism.
3. Fruitarianism.
4. Vegetarianism.
5. Carnivorism.
Breatharian indicates a plant or animal that neither eats nor drinks and subsists entirely on the substances contained in the air. It is surprising to know how many such plants and animals there are.
The Spanish moss hanging on the trees of Florida gets all its substance from the air, and grows very fast. The big cactus plants on the dry, barren deserts of the southwestern part of the U.S.A. get their substance from the air, their roots serving as anchors to hold the plants in place and complete the Life Circuit.
In our work, “THE NUTRITIONAL MYTH,” we stated that no chemist can find in the ground in which grows a giant tree, the ash, minerals, carbon, wood and chlorophyll contained in the body of the tree and its leaves.
Nor does a tree consume the soil in which it stands. If so, as evidence of such consumption a depression should surround every tree. A large tree weighs tons, and all the earth still surrounds it that was there when it was a small sprout. The roots appear to serve only as anchors to hold the tree in place and complete the electro-magnetic Circuit of Life.
If corn or wheat is planted in moist sawdust around a magnet or loadstone, growth is promoted without adding more elements.
No real relation appears to exist between the elements in the soil and the plant. Examination shows that plants contain elements which never exist in the soil. They are supplied by cosmic rays.
It is the general belief that crops consume the soil in which they grow. Jean Van Helmost did not believe it. In the 17th century he weighed the soil he put in a tub, then planted a tree in it. At the end of four years the tree was six feet high and weighed many pounds. But the soil in the tub weighed the same. The growth of the tree resulted from the elements supplied by cosmic rays.
There must be ground connections in the case of plants to complete the Life Circuit. Ground connections are necessary to complete the circuit for electric instruments.
Trees grow not in certain areas, nor grow well in what is termed poor soil. They improve if given proper fertilizer.
To make the circuit effective, the right minerals must be in the ground, and there must also be moisture. It is not the tree that needs the minerals. They are required to supply the conditions necessary for proper electro-magnetic action.
You know more about motor car batteries. When the battery weakens and runs down, it is recharged. The recharging process does not infuse electricity into the battery. It only changes the chemistry of the battery fluid.
All hibernating animals are complete breatharians during the weeks they sleep in winter.
A fasting man who takes only water during his fast has simply added liquidarianism to breatharianism. That is the path back to Physical Perfection.
In our work “THE NUTRITIONAL MYTH” we referred to cases of those who are reported to live without eating—Mrs. Martha Nasch who had eaten nothing for seven years; Teresa Nouman, a German mystic, who had taken no food nor liquid for forty years.
The press of May 3rd, 1936, mentioned the cases of Srimati Giri Bala Devi of Patrasayar in Bankura, India, the sister of Babu Lambadar Dey, pleader, as a woman who had taken neither food nor water for 56 years. The account said,
“She takes nothing, not even a drop of water. She is always gay and looks like a child. She does not pass stool nor urine, and does her house work like any other woman.”
This woman was reported as being 68 years old, yet she “looks like a child.” This appears to be getting close to the Law of Perpetual Youth and Eternal Physical Existence.
One physiologist states that of what man eats, the only parts that do and can enter his blood are the gaseous and fluidous elements. All the rest is nothing but waste that passes through the bowels as feces, playing its part in overworking and weakening the stomach and bowels, with constipation afflicting practically the whole nation.
There are very few folks who are free of stomach and bowel troubles, and the markets are flooded with worthless and harmful remedies for these disorders.
Scholars hold that in Physical Perfection man was entirely free of all wants and desires. The needs and requirements of his body were fully supplied by the Pure Air of His Perfect Environment.
That perfect state was a condition precedent to his coming into physical being. It was the cosmic perfection of his Environment that made possible his evolution from Spiritual Potentiality to Physical Actuality.
It is an established fact that something cannot come from nothing. Men could not become a physical entity had he not existed as a spiritual potentiality. There must be a precedent for every subsequent, a cause for every effect. The cause, whether first, last or anywhere along the chain of causes, must be the comprehensive equal of the effect.
The stream cannot rise above its source. If the rivulet can flow but an inch higher than the sufficiency of its cause, there is no reason why it should not climb the mountain-top and “increase by the force of its own intensity” as is said of disease.
No effect can produce its own cause. The Universe could not create itself, which is equivalent to the admission that no part thereof could create itself.
Universal existence is eternal existence. What appears as the physical world which we call Nature, is the materialization of Spiritual Potentialities.
Had man not existed Spiritually, he had never become a physical reality; and his appearance as a physical entity is conclusive proof of the perfection of his Environment at the time of his Physical beginning.
That Environment had to and did possess the perfect powers and requirements that evolved man, not from an ape, but from Spiritual Potentiality to Physical Actuality. It fulfilled every need, every demand, every requirement of his physical being. Had anything been lacking, it had been fatal.
Advanced scholars point out that there could have been in man’s physical beginning no unfilled wants; otherwise physical being had been impossible. They show that the only way to improve physical man, is to reduce his wants and decrease his economic burden.
But physical science is not interested in any course that raises man to a higher plane. For nothing must be done, nothing must be allowed to happen, that will disturb or derange the fixed social order of civilization.
This order is the product of ages of planning and scheming. It depends upon and is sustained by man’s wants and desires, and the constant effort made to promote and increase them. To that end all education is directed.
Every branch and department of civilization leads away from Perfection. The movement away from Perfection begins with the child in school and continues all through life.
On January 12t
h, 1951, Frank W. Abrams, Chairman of the Board, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, made an address before the National Citizens Commission for Public Schools, and his address was published and widely circulated. Among other things he said:
“There can be no doubt that we are talking about something very fundamental to business when we talk about education....If only to maintain and expand its markets, the business world has at least as big a stake as anyone in the achievement of an educated, productive and tolerant society....There is definite correlation between education and the consumption of commodities. Education has done more to create markets for business than any other force in America.”
This is the orthodox view and, according to that view, the purpose of education is to maintain and expand the markets of business, and to create a demand for commodities. To that end billions of dollars are expended annually in the education of the children of America.
The constant cry of Commercialism is to consume more, create new markets and new demands, promote the production of commodities, employ more wage slaves, increase the economic burden.
The art of scientific living is so lightly regarded that it receives no attention. He who is so far ahead of the multitude as to oppose the social pattern is promptly silenced, disgraced and liquidated; and the press carries large headlines proclaiming that an enemy of social progress has been found and jailed. The deceived multitude believes.
One’s teaching may be in harmony with God’s Plan of Life, the Law of Perfection, and the Science of Cosmic Economy. But that teaching does not harmonize with civilization’s artificial world, nor support its social pattern, therefore it cannot be accepted and supported by any institution or any form of government. It must be suppressed “for the good of the people.”