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Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 8

  This raises the question, WHY DOES MAN EAT? In our work “THE NUTRITIONAL MYTH” we wrote:

  “Cell and body nutrition is a myth. What man consumes as food does not supply cell nutrition by assimilation as science teaches. The ingested substance merely produces activity in cell function by STIMULATION and not by nutrition.

  “Two types of stimulation seem essential for the function of living cells: Vital and Chemical. The Vital is from the Source of Life, while air, liquid and food supply the chemical.

  “The ingested substances contact and stimulate the cells into certain activity, and pass from the body through the eliminative channels, as flowing water turns the wheel of a mill, activating the mill machinery that does the grinding.”—P. 17.

  The process of organic growth from the electro-magnetic center formed by the Parent Cell, and the so-called process of nutrition, are one and the same phenomenon.

  Cosmic rays strike the chromosomes of our cells, which act as minute receptors of cosmic radiation, and the rays materialize in our cells into various chemical elements requisite for organic growth and maintenance. The magnetic chromosomes of the cells attract the electronic rays of corresponding vibratory frequency and they materialize in the cells as minerals.

  What we term minerals are the foundation of the living cell. These minerals are substances that are universal in existence and eternal in duration. These substances are electrically charged particles of various minerals.

  The body is a complex of minerals, consisting of electrons combined into atoms and molecules. It is not composed fundamentally of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The substances in the body are actually atoms of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in various combinations, as water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. The nature of the substance depends upon its atomic combination.


  We take no patients, and have no individual cases. We have no medical practice, and do not teach or prescribe medicine. We teach the way to health.

  We cannot answer inquiries for special treatments, special advice, and special help. All that we have to offer is put into our various books for distribution to our readers that they may reach all our readers and reach all we know.

  Usually the owner of this course already has our other twenty-four publications by the famous Professor Hilton Hotema. But if you do not have these valuable writings, we suggest by all means that you secure them. See complete list and prices in the back of this volume.

  These remarks are made in this place because so many people write us asking for special treatments and private help, and we cannot prescribe for individual cases.

  All that we have to offer is the health knowledge we teach. We do not pretend to cure, for all healing power is inherent in the living system.


  “For it is Life, the very Life of Life.

  In its brief course lie all the Verities


  Realities of your existence;

  The Bliss of Growth;

  The Glory of Action;

  The Splendour of Beauty;

  For Yesterday is but a Dream,

  And To-morrow is only a Vision;

  But To-day well lived makes every

  Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, and

  Every To-morrow a Vision of Hope.

  Look well, therefore, to This Day!”

  —From the Sanskrit.

  “A thousand years hence the contents of this work will be as up-to-date as at this hour...writings and methods of living based on Cosmic Law are always in order and never become obsolete.”


  “By the old age of the body, that does not age; by the death of the body, that is not killed. It is thy Self, free from sin, free from old age, from death and grief, from hunger and thirst.”—Chandogya Upanishad.

  People want to look younger and live longer. To that end many books have been written, and the authors died comparatively young as proof that they were incompetent teachers.

  Why does man grow old? If the earth’s turning on its axis does not produce “old age,” what does?

  An unusual account of Old Age appeared in the press of July 19th 1952. The item, date-lined Chicago, said:

  “A four-year-old girl, who weighs only 7½ pounds, is dying of old age at the University of Illinois Research and Educational Hospital.

  “The child is a victim of progeria, or premature senility. Doctors at the hospital said it is one of the rarest ailments. Both its cause and cure are unknown.

  “The child, named Linda, entered the hospital January 28th, 1948, when she was two months old, and has been there ever since.

  “A hospital spokesman said Linda is withered and wizened, with thin, balding hair, is only two feet long and wears doll dresses and shoes.”

  Nothing happens by chance. We may not always understand the working of the law because our view of life is so limited. If our thoughts penetrated beneath the surface, we would find a cause for every effect.

  We are not told why the child was taken to the hospital when only two months old, but the aging condition of her body is evidence to prove the harmful effects of an artificial mode of living. Everything natural is banished from hospitals and the laws that rule natural phenomena receive no attention in such places.

  In the matter of eating, Abbe N. De Montfaucon De Villars states that the Ancient Masters ate food only for pleasure, and never of necessity (Compte De Gabalis, P. 63).

  We are told that in the Breatharian Age man’s body, in its perfection, required not that kind of stimulation which physical food now furnishes.

  Our fundamental concept of man should be that, as we know him, he is a degenerate representative of the original. His environment, greatly changed and adversely affected by the conditions called civilization, and his habits and practices, most of them bad, have forced the body to alter its functions in order to survive. Otherwise it had perished.

  In the course of long ages the body’s functions have changed, by continuous adjustment, and developed a dependency upon certain kinds of stimulation, rising from man’s environment and his eating and drinking habits, that were foreign to the body in its original state, when it received directly from the Air, the cosmic reservoir of all things, the stimulation needed to activate its cells.

  Poverty and want are conditions created by man’s living an artificial life. The less we need the more complete we are, and we attain perfection only when free of all wants. The more wants we have, the less complete we are, and the farther we incline from perfection.


  Daily experience proves that the body still continues to adjust itself to man’s additional errors, such as smoking, drinking, and eating certain things. Some find it impossible to smoke, while others cannot tolerate certain foods which some seem to enjoy. So the body has been forced, by long ages of eating, either to adjust itself to the foreign substances man eats, or perish.

  Instead of dying quickly as a result of man’s errors, the body changes and sinks into degeneration. Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give us a maximum duration under the circumstances. The functional processes always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of man (Carrel, P. 192).

  So-called food is foreign to the body. None of it enters into the body’s constitution and construction. If man’s body were built of what he eats, a process of physical transformation would in time change the body literally to resemble physically the things man eats.

  If man is what he eats, if the body were built of the food man consumes, the eating of pork would in time transform him physically into a big.

  The body was forced to adjust itself to what man eats in order to survive. It was either adjustment or death. The adjustment has become so complete that man now seems to “starve to death” when deprived of that stimulation which food furnishes.

  The return or transformation to Breatharianism, where food is no longer essential for body stimulation, must be slow and gradual. Man must slowly reduce the amount of food ingested daily in order to give the body time to meet the new condition and adjust itself to the perfect physical state of long ago, when the air man inhaled supplied all the stimulation the body needed. We must also leave the polluted air of civilization, or perish.

  Some scholars assert that man has been on earth six to eight million years, and produce certain evidence to prove it. Dr. W. C. Pei, research fellow of the Chinese National Geological survey, unearthed “The Pekin Man’s remains near Peipine in 1929,” and this discovery, according to science, pushes back man’s appearance on earth fifty million years.


  In his book titled “Sree Krishna,” Premanand Bharati states that this is the 28th Divine Cycle of which the first three sections, viz., the Golden Age, the Silver Age, and the Copper Age, have passed away. We are now in the early part of the fourth section, the Kali or Iron (Dark) Age.

  The Divine Cycle is composed of 12,000 Divine Years, each of which is equal to 360 human years. So that 12,000 Divine Years multiplied by 360 give us 4,320,000 human years, which is the length of a Divine Cycle. As this is the 28th Divine Cycle, that would be a total of 120,960,000 years. The Hindu scriptures state that man had been on earth 4,000,000 years when the Great Deluge occurred.

  The author of Sree Krishna says,

  “These men (of the Golden Age) required little material nutrition; they ate very little food, consisting of fruit only, and drank water-and these between long intervals.”

  Some physiologists hold that it requires three-fourths of man’s time on earth to descend from Breatharianism to Gluttarianism, which was accomplished by an alteration of the body’s functions and needs as it adapted itself to the new conditions and practices with which it came in contact.

  This would place the Breatharian state so far back in the night of time that little evidence of it could be found, other than what we learn now by fasting a man, who begins at once to regain health when given no food, and even shows signs of growing younger.

  Professor Morgulis wrote:

  “The acuity of the senses is increased by fasting, and at the end of his 31 days’ abstinence from food, Professor Levanzin could see twice as far as he could when his fast began.”

  Bernarr Macfadden of Physical Culture fame wrote,

  “I have consistently maintained that the body can be revived and rejuvenated in every way, mentally, physically, etc., by fasting.”

  Dr. Moeller said,

  “Fasting is the only natural evolutionary method whereby, through a systematic cleansing, the body can restore its equilibrium by degrees to physiological normality.”

  Mayer, eminent German physician, declared,

  “Fasting is the most efficient means known for correcting disease” (The Wonder Cure).

  Dr. Densmore wrote,

  “We find one great cause that accounts for the majority of cases of longevity—moderation in the amount of food eaten” (P. 295).

  Dr. Evens said,

  “Among instances of longevity, we have the ancient Britons, who, according to Plutarch, ‘only begin to grow old at 210’. Their food consists almost exclusively of acorns, berries and water.”

  Drs. Carlson and Kunde, University of Chicago, found that a fast of 15 days restored the tissues of a man of 40 to the physiological condition of those of a youth of 17. This amazing discovery seems to explain the biblical statements,

  “His flesh shall be fresh as a child’s; he shall return to the days of his youth (Job 33:25). And thy youth shall be renewed like the Eagle’s” (Ps. 103:5).

  Here is more evidence of damage to the body by food. Eat little of a simple diet and we live longer and look younger.

  Stop eating and the sick man automatically and spontaneously begins to recover his equilibrium. As if by magic the disorders disappear and health returns. For that reason fasting is often feared and bitterly condemned by some.

  A world of health would put some people out of business. The press of February 26th 1948, stated that illness brings physicians of the U.S.A. $1,500,000 daily.”


  The turning of the earth on its axis has no effect on the human body. Looking older as the years pass is the effect of physical adjustment to adverse conditions, and shows more complete adaptation of the body to bad habits and bad environment.

  Drugs, medicines, vaccines, serums and tonics are not the answer. Supply better living conditions and the physiological process of degeneration changes to regeneration, and the physical appearance of aging will reverse.

  All things that damage the body age the body. If food damages the body it ages the body. Sickness begins to age the body in childhood because sickness results from damage to the body. Drugs, medicines, serums, hot and cold baths used in sickness, age the body because they damage it.

  Polluted air, bad water, hard water, chlorinated water, tobacco, liquor, heavy manual labor, excessive exposure to the hot summer sun, all kinds of riotous living—these age the body, and the body improves when such practice or habit ends. Remove the CAUSE and you have found the CURE. A library of medical books is unnecessary to teach that simple law of Cause and Effect.

  Under no circumstances can man stop breathing and live. Every living thing must have air or die. To stay the breathing is to stop the living.

  Water comes next. Man may go without water for days and live. If the air is very moist, he can live longer without water than in a drier atmosphere.

  Men at sea, when shipwrecked and have no fresh water to drink, are able to supply the body’s needs by submerging the body in the sea water. The salt is filtered out as the water is absorbed through the skin.

  No one can breathe too much good air nor drink too much good water. But one can easily eat too much of the best food and the result is always bad.

  No eating habit is harder on the body nor causes it to age faster than that of salting food. Anyone who claims the body needs common table salt should try drinking sea water when thirsty.


  That the practice of eating is bad is further shown by the fact that few people are free of stomach and bowel troubles, while constipation is so universal that it is termed the national disorder. This should not be if eating were natural for man.

  If food were not foreign to the body, it should not derange the so-called food organs, the digestive tract and its accessories.

  If food were necessary to sustain the body, then the fasting of patients would be dangerous and could not be the “cure all” that it seems to be.

  We know the body adjusts itself to many abuses and becomes accustomed to many new conditions. So it can adjust itself to feeding. But little does man know that all such adjustments can occur only at the expense of a depression of the vital functions, which must be injurious if lone-continued or often repeated. That is what the body has suffered because of eating.

  While it appears from the evidence that eating is not natural, the body as a machine is so perfect that it can take such abuse and survive for a century or more, provided the amount of food consumed is not too great.

  That fact was shown in the case of Ludovico Cornaro, who was a physical wreck at the age of 40 and told by his physicians that he could not live. He fooled them by turning to Nature and recovering health to such extent that he lived to be 103.

  Cornaro found that a simple diet of 12 ozs. of solid food and 16 ozs. of fresh fruit juices daily was comparatively better for him. On his 78th birthday his friends urged him to increase his ration. Reluctantly he agreed to an increase of only two ounces of the same food. In twelve days he was ill with fever and pains in his right side. He returned at once to the 12 oz. ration, but suffered for 35 days. That was his only illness in 63 years on his frugal fare.
/>   One case is sufficient to show what is possible in millions of other cases. Cornaro proved on himself the virtues of frugal feeding, contrary to medical advice that man must be “well nourished.”

  The consumption of much food to build up the body’s “resistance to disease,” works the other way.

  Looking older, old age, a state of decrepitude that appears with the years, is the result of the body’s adjustment to harmful habits and adverse environmental conditions. No hunter ever found a wild animal that showed signs of old age.

  Supply better living conditions, discard bad habits, move to an environment of good air, keep the home well aired, practice chastity, and the appearance of “aging” will retard and reverse in time to that where the body was when its equilibrium began to show imbalance or deterioration. That takes time, as the “aging” process must first come to a full stop before improvement can begin.


  “As long as we confine ourselves to the world of observation, we must continue in a state of bewilderment.”—Robert Walter, M.D.

  We live in a world of illusion. We are victims and prisoners of our five senses, and they are unreliable. We are not surrounded by what we think we are; nor do we actually see what we think we see.

  The press of July 23rd 1951, quotes Dr. Theron Alexander, psychologist, Florida State University, as declaring,

  “The familiar saying of ‘seeing is believing’ is being seriously questioned these days. It is more the reverse; we tend to see what we want to see.”

  There are two systems of Thought—the backward and inward, and the forward and outward, the inductive and deductive, the empirical and the logical

  Both systems are claimed to be based upon Fact, but not upon the same class of Fact. The one bases all practice upon the facts of observation, and claims that its processes are inductive. This is the backward and inward process, and Francis Bacon was its great representative.