Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 7
The statements were made by Dr. B. L. Atreya, professor of philosophy in the Benares Hindu University and general secretary of the Indian Society of Physical Research.
The yogi, practicing the art which consists in suppression of all mental activities, discipline of the body, control of involuntary muscles, and a few other weird things, lay in the grave from September 25th 1941, to March 21st 1942, the doctor said.
The yogi spent his time in a pit cell, reinforced with brick and cement. The day he emerged from the tomb a crowd of more than 100,000 persons was on hand, the doctor stated.
An opening was made in the outer enclosure and then an opening in the all-around closed cell. The first slab of stone was removed by selected persons, some of them Hindu professors and college teachers.
Said Dr. Atreya,
“The yogi was already awake, and he raised his hand to indicate that fact. Then he was dressed in new clothes. His old clothes were partly worn away under the influence of the atmosphere inside the pit and partly eaten up by white ants, some of which were found collected over portions of his body.
“He was then brought out covered with blankets and placed on an easy chair on a high platform, visible to all. The yogi looked just the same as when he entered the pit. Even the beard on his face had not grown. He insisted on walking about 25 yards from the place, but we did not allow him to do it for fear of his being crushed by the crowd which wanted to get close to him and touch his feet.”—Grit, July 26th 1942.
It appears that the Yogi know certain secrets of the body and its function which enable them to suppress all mental activities, control the involuntary muscles, and withdraw the senses from natural outward expression.
The Materialist missed the point when he wrote:
“God formed man of the dust of the ground....For dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return.”—(Gen. 2:7; 3:19).
As a block of ice is invisible cosmic substance materialized, so is the body of man.
Fasting experiments prove that vitality, heat, minerals, etc., come not from what man eats. They are cosmic rays that materialize as visible substance. As cosmic rays condense and become visible as matter, they lose none of their properties, one of which is vital force.
Science says that vitality and heat come from the combustion of carbon compounds in food, according to its calorie theory, which erroneously compares the living organism to a steam engine.
Lakhovsky held that the living cell is an electro-magnetic entity, activated by cosmic rays, the source of its vitality. The cell’s development also is directed by cosmic rays, which materialize in the form of body minerals and create the vital condition needed for the synthesis of atmospheric nitrogen into body protein, as well as atmospheric carbon dioxide into body fat.
It appears that four-fifths of the air we inhale is nitrogen. The body synthesizes this substance to form protein, which occurs by its union with hydrogen in the alimentary tract. The body cannot use the nitrogen of protein foods. Practically all protein nitrogen that man eats is eliminated in the form of metabolic end-products.
During a fast the body loses weight because it is toxic. There is a condition of auto-intoxication, and the internal toxins liberated cause decomposition of body protein and fat.
If the organism were sufficiently pure, no condition of autointoxication and no loss of weight would occur during a fast. Inhale the terrible odor from the body of a person who has fasted eight or ten days and you will think his body is rotten.
When one’s vitality decreases as one stops eating, it is due to auto-intoxication which then begins, and not to lack of food to supply energy. Food supplies no energy.
Lakhovsky showed in his experiments that protein and other substances occurring in the body are converted from cosmic rays by the body’s physiological processes.
Organic growth and maintenance, says Lakhovsky, are the work of cosmic rays. The living organism is a materialization of these rays. They are subtil streams of substance of ultra-electronic form and materialize into grosser minerals as they strike the earth’s atmosphere. So the body is a materialization of “cosmic food.”
He demonstrated this fact by keeping unicellular organisms in sealed test tubes, measuring the amount of iron they contained before and after a certain period of growth. He found the amount of iron increased as the cells multiplied, even though the test tubes were sealed.
The extra iron came from the cosmic rays to which the cells were attuned. They absorbed these cosmic rays at an iron rate of vibration and the rays materialized as iron atoms, showing that the cells of the body are maintained by cosmic rays.
Babbit showed that sunlight is converted into minerals in the body, according to the spectral colors, each corresponding to different groups of minerals. All that food does is to furnish a certain type of stimulation.
As we advance from vegetarianism to liquidarianism, and then on up to Breatharianism, we change from the grosser forms of stimulation to the finer forms. Instead of the body getting its stimulation from food and liquid, it gets its stimulation from the elements in the air.
When the scientific theory of Materialism exploded, material science exploded with it and its textbooks became obsolete. Professor J. S. Haldane, the great astronomer, said.
“Materialism, once a plausible theory, is now the fatalistic creed of thousands (of physical scientists), but materialism is nothing better than a superstition, on the same level as a belief in witches and devils. The materalist theory is bankrupt.”
With the discovery that atoms are composed of electrons and protons, and that these elements are merely whirling centers of force in the ether, material science saw its fundamental theories swept into oblivion.
Physicists and chemists now know that all Matter is vibratory electro-magnetic activity. Matter is composed of units called atoms, and atoms are composed of varying numbers and arrangements of electrons and protons, which are tiny centers of vibratory activity in the ether. Each of these vibratory centers possesses a magnetic polarity that is positive in the proton and negative in the electron.
All matter is fundamentally the same basic substance. The different properties which distinguishes the various types of matter in the human body, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc., are, basically, nothing more than the differences in the number and arrangement of the protons and electrons.
The protons and electrons are held in their orbits in the atom and regulated as to the combinations they form, by the field of electro-magnetism generated by their rapid motions.
In order to transform any given type of matter into another, as proteins into fats, it is necessary only that the vibratory frequency of the electro-magnetic activity composing the matter be altered appropriately.
The transformation of matter is accomplished by exposing it to vibratory activity of the appropriate frequency, impelled by a force greater than the force impelling the vibrations of the substance to be transformed.
A simple illustration of this process appears in the transformation of ice into water and water into steam by exposing the substance to heat. The normal vibratory frequency of the substance composing the ice is increased by heating until the substance assumes a gaseous form, and the ice is transformed into invisible elements that float in the air.
The press of January 31st, 1931, said:
“Authentic reports from Salisbury, South Rhodesia, state that Mrs. A. G. Walter, a noted singer, has been fasting 101 days, during which time she has consumed only two to three pints of cold and hot water daily. Last October she weighed 232 pounds, so she decided to fast. She has lost 63 pounds and says that she is in perfect health, goes out to parties, and carries on with her public singing.”
Bernarr Macfadden of Physical Culture fame reported a case where he fasted a man for 90 days. He wrote:
r /> “The man lost 75 pounds during this period. He weighed 300 pounds when he began this fast, and 225 pounds when the fast ended.”
Macfadden adds:
“If a bear can fast all winter, there is no reason why a man could not do the same thing.”
No measures known will so surely, safely and speedily normalize a deranged body as will fasting. It is the most natural and certain of all remedial procedures. It stops at once the introduction into the body of all new material, except air and water, thus releasing the organs from the labor imposed by eating, and giving them an opportunity to purge the body of the internal poisons responsible for illness.
On April 28th, 1929, Paul Urban, a German world war veteran and professional nurse, ended a 64 day fast, during which time he took a pint and a half of pure water daily. He weighed 165 pounds and dropped to 113 pounds. He stated that fasting rejuvenates the body and makes man live longer. He was 46.
In the press of July 19th, 1929, appeared an announcement of cancer being “cured” by fasting, with a picture of the patient and his nurse, under which was this statement:
“Albert Schaal, age 58, known as the flax king of Manitoba, Canada, after a fast of 49 days under the direction of Dr. Harry C. Bond of San Francisco, is said by the doctor to be cured of cancer.”
In his “Believe it or Not,” in the press of January 25th, 1938, Robert Ripley stated that for ten years Giovanni Succi travelled through Europe giving exhibitions of fasting. His exhibitions, rigidly controlled, extended for periods of 30 to 40 days. During that time he was in the public eye day and night. Included were 80 periods of 30 days of fasting, and 20 periods of 40 days of fasting—a total of 3200 days without eating, or eight years and 280 days without food in ten years.
In his “Believe it or Not,” in the press of January 16th, 1934, Ripley stated that Jekisiel Laib, of Grodno, Poland, fasted six days a week for 30 years. Each Saturday he ate bread and water. His health was good. According to the dietetic experts he should have died of “mineral starvation.”
According to the press of July 26th, 1942, a Yogi at Benares, India, was buried in a grave for six months without food or water. (Report given in this lesson).
The press of November 30th, 1934, reported the case of a Jain priest, Muni Shri Mierilalji, of Bombay, who fasted for 259 days, taking nothing but water. He ended his fast in the presence of 500 co-religionists.
The press of October 12th, 1948, reported the case of a British girl of 12 years who fasted for 18 months, taking nothing but water.
The press of February 6th, 1937, quoted Mrs. Martha Nasch, age 44 of St. Paul, Minnesota, as asserting that for seven years she had eaten nothing, and affirmed her willingness to submit to surveillance to prove her claim.
The press of May 31st, 1948, reported the case of a Chinese girl who had eaten nothing for nine years.
The case was reported to Dr. T. Y. Gan, of Chungking Municipal Hospital, and he went to see her. Her name was Yang Mel, she was 20 years old, weighed about 85 pounds, and led a perfectly normal life, except for not eating, and drinking very little water. She showed no signs of starvation, and appeared no different from other girls. Gan said, “I found it difficult to believe her story.”
The girl was never hungry, had no desire for food, and never asked for any. When asked as to why she did not drink more, she said that it made her feel uncomfortable. Her alimentary tract was so dormant and rudimentary that it could not take water without bad reaction.
In an article entitled “Forty Years Without Food,” N. P. Ghose wrote:
“Caribala Dassi, sister of Babu Lamboxar Dey, a practicing pleader of Purulia, has been living for the last forty years without taking any food, not even water, and has been doing her regular household duties with no apparent injury to her health. Many respectable persons can testify to the truth of this statement.”—India’s Message, January 1932.
According to the press of May 27th 1937, Sirmati Bala, of Bankura, India, age 68, had touched no food nor water since she was 12 years old.
One case is sufficient to show what is possible in a million other cases. Biologists are being convinced that eating is an acquired habit, like smoking, and a pleasurable indulgence rather than a physiological necessity. It is said that in India certain sects of yogis live without eating; and that in the Himalayas there are many who consume no physical food.
All textbooks on anatomy teach that the human body is a composition of trillions of cells. The cells are not composed of food.
Science admits that the Parent Cell is not the product of food. It also admits that all the subsequent cells are not the product of food. It is law that what food does not and cannot produce it does not and cannot preserve and sustain.
To speak or write of cell nutrition and body nourishment is not only unscientific, but an admission per se of anatomical and physiological ignorance, even though the statements may be those of a great doctor.
When health officers die as they do in their fifties and sixties, it shows that they do not know what they should.
One author says that we have one foot mired in an antiquated medical system that is dying, and with the other foot we are holding down a modern health system that is struggling to be born, which advocates Health by Healthful Living in harmony with God’s Law of Life.
The origin and work of the Parent Cell is a mystery. That is the cell which begins the building of the body. That cell comes not from the parents.
The so-called seed of the parents is not seed in the sense that it produces man. What is considered as the seed appears to do nothing more than to form a central, electro-magnetic point, around which occurs a condensation of invisible substance from the Cosmic Reservoir.
The food one eats does not form nor sustain the body cells. Nor do they come from the Parent Cell, which is just an electro-magnetic center of crystallization and materialization, a pattern, around which Cosmic Rays materialize into cells that form the growing body.
In referring to this mystery the great Carrel wrote:
“The body builds itself by techniques very foreign to the human mind. It is not made of extraneous (foreign) material, like a house. It is composed of cells, as a house is of bricks. But it is born from a cell, as if the house originated from one brick—a magic brick that would begin making other bricks (of material that seemed to come from nowhere. Those bricks without waiting for the architect’s drawings or the coming of the bricklayers would assemble themselves and form a complete does the body and all its various parts (Man The Unknown).
Whence come the cells? or the materials of which they are composed? They rise as shadows and become substance as the result of the condensation and materialization of Cosmic Rays. That substance is not food. It constitutes the elements of the Universe that have always existed and are eternal.
As the so-called seed of the parents come near to each other, certain elements of each stand out separately and, coming nearer, these separate, individual particles merge and fuse as it were into each other, producing a clear field in which nothing appears. Finally, after a period of seeming quiescence, granulation occurs at a point between the places occupied by the gametes of the parents when they merged, fused and disappeared from sight (P. 194).
When the so-called seed of the parents meet and fuse, they thus create a condition or electro-magnetic center, which is necessary for the occurrence of the phenomenon that produces man’s body.
That center attracts cosmic rays of a definite frequency, corresponding to the chemistry of that center. The rays crystalize around the center in the form of similar substance; and man comes into physical being under a magic process of transformation of invisible elements into visible form.
The great Carrel missed the point when he said that the body is not built of “extraneous material, like a house.” The infant body must receive for its growth material from some extraneous source. T
hat source is the invisible cosmic rays. The process of growth is the work of these rays as they materialize into blood, bone and flesh.
A block of ice represents a materialization of cosmic vapor. So the body of man represents a materialization of cosmic rays. The one process is as simple, as complex and as mysterious as the other. Both processes are ruled by the same cosmic law.
The scientific theory of cell reproduction cannot explain how the Parent Cell produces cells that form blood, bones, muscles, nerves, heart, brain and other organs. These differentiated cells each represent cosmic rays of different wave length.
The cosmic rays become visible by condensation and materialization of Invisible Elements that exist only as vibratory waves, whirling centers of force, termed electrons, concerning which Dr. H. H. Sheldon, University of New York, wrote:
“Electrons, long regarded as the ultimate particles of which all Matter is formed, have now been shown to have a reality only as a wave form, while an atom consists of a bundle of such waves.”
This discovery amazed material science and exploded the basic theories of Materialism. For it shows that the cells of the body consist of bundles of waves, not of assimilated food. So man is not what he eats.
The body cells are composed of atoms only, and the body is constituted of nothing but bundles of vibratory waves.
So far as man’s physical structure may be concerned, this doctrine might be contested by the old school scientists; but Sheldon says:
“We as individuals undoubtedly have no existence in reality other than as waves, multitudinous and complicated centers, perhaps, in what we call the ether. We are analogous, in a sense, to the sounds that issue from a piano when a chord is struck, or when a symphony orchestra sounds.”