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Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 9
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The other system, the forward and outward, is based upon a fundamental truth or principle, and was followed by the Ancient Masters, who taught that the secrets of the Universe are discovered by studying Causes instead of Effects (Rom. 1:20).
All observable facts are the effects of something preceding; the something which preceded is the Cause, which, being discovered, constitutes an eternal verity which changes not, and so becomes the unchanging basis from which logical reasoning may be conducted.
Professor Robley Dunglison, one of the ablest authors and professors, warns us against reliance on observation, and quotes the man who—
“Saw with his own eyes the Moon was round,
Was equally sure the Earth was square,
For he’d travelled twenty miles and found
No sign that it was circular anywhere.”
Dunglison recited many facts to show the fallacies of medical observation and the absurdities of medical practice that have grown out of observation—out of what men think they see. Chapman, Bichat, Magendie, Bennett, Holmes, all laughed at or exposed medical reasoning based on observation.
We cannot reach truth by reasoning from facts of observation. For such facts clearly show that the Sun does rise and set.
“True science is in the mind,” wrote Professor Jevons. The postulate from which logical reasoning proceeds must also be in the Mind, inasmuch as Effects are only the visible symptoms of an invisible cause. This makes the Fact to be not one of Observation but one of Conception.
Empirical scientists reason not so much from what they observe as from what they THINK they observe. Appearances are usually deceptive and seem to be what they are not. So it is not surprising that Empirical Science, even though dignified by the new title Inductive, has always proved unreliable and erroneous.
The world of observation is the Shadow World, not the Real World. It is the World of Effects, not the World of Causes. What we see are the visible Effects of the operation of Invisible Causes.
If the body cells are self-existent and eternal, if they are not produced nor sustained by food as Carrel showed, that raises the question as to why man appears to starve to death when deprived of food.
We could well counter with the question, Why does man die when deprived of Opium? Why does man sometimes drop dead upon the receipt of very bad news?
In our “THE NUTRITIONAL MYTH” we stated that the substance man eats does not nourish his body. It merely contacts and stimulates the body machinery into a certain state of vital activity, and passes out of the body through the eliminative channels, as flowing water passes on as it turns the wheel of a mill on the bank of the stream.
The water activates the machinery of the mill that does the work by acting on the water-wheel. But the water never becomes a part of the mill. So the food one eats activates the machinery of the body, but never becomes a part of the body.
It may appear to physical science that man starves to death because he is deprived of food. This is another instance where we must not be deceived by what we think we observe.
It is not yet known how electrons become combined into atoms, nor how molecules become combined into cells and protoplasm to build and sustain the living body. It has become evident that the body is not built and sustained by food. Food is the occasion and condition that activates the vital processes and stimulates their activity.
Unorthodox physiologists assert that such activation and stimulation as food now furnishes, were not necessary before the body altered its functions and adapted itself to the practice of eating, as it still does to the practice of smoking.
Some of the Flying Saucers we have read about since 1947, have landed on the earth from some distant planet. They are disk-shaped ships, made of metal lighter than aluminum but stronger than steel, and they move by electro-magnetic power.
Frank Sully reports in his book that a group of scientists examined a Flying Saucer that landed near Aztec, New Mexico. In it they found sixteen dead men, ranging in height from 26 to 42 inches. Their bodies were normal from every viewpoint. They had a type of radio unknown on this earth, and subsisted on tablets of an unknown kind of concentrated food. In all probability that food would not sustain us because our body is not adapted to it. Thus we might eat and starve to death on the food eaten by these men.
Carrel says that our ignorance of the body and its functions is profound. If we know so little now about the body and its functions, we have no knowledge at all as to the body and its functions in the past when man first came into physical being, in an Environment so perfect for the body’s needs, that it actually drew man out of potential existence in the Spiritual Realm to actual existence in the Physical Realm.
We must assume that in that day the Environment was in perfect harmony and attunement with the body, and vice versa, or else the body had not appeared on earth as a physical entity.
If man’s body, in less than a generation, will change and adjust itself to a point of craving to the death a poisonous stimulant such as opium is known to be, it should be easy to realize that, through long ages of eating, the body has changed and adjusted itself to the point of craving to the death that stimulant termed food.
As an example, it is absurd to hold that the action following the administration of a drug, is the action of the drug. There is a mechanical contact of course, and there may be some chemical affinity between the elements of the drug and the organism. But the action that follows is the action of the vital system upon the drug in its process of making proper disposition of the drug.
The same principles apply to food and drink, to everything that enters the body. It is the living organism that acts and not the ingested substance, whether it be food or drugs. There is no greater error than to assert that the body derives energy, vitality and strength from food.
A staff nurse in a certain hospital accepting drug addicts tells of her experience in caring for such cases. She said:
“If I had ever been tempted to take drugs, I had discarded the idea quickly after working in a hospital ward for drug addicts for the past two years. There can be no torment of the damned that exceeds the agonizing pains that a drug addict goes through to conquer the habit.
“All our patients entered the hospital ward voluntarily, but as they were not released until completely off the drug, it was a pitiful sight to watch them. The first day they were bolstered up by friends’ and relatives’ good wishes, and had mustered up every bit of will-power that the drugs had left them. By the second or third day all will-power had vanished as the dosage of the drug was slowly reduced, and they became abject, tortured, screaming idiots as their nerves begged for the drug.”
That is an example of the great power of the law of adaptation. The use of poisonous drugs that destroy the body by degrees and never do the body any good, makes man an “abject, tortured, screaming idiot as the nerves beg for the drug.”
The power of adaptability is one of the ever-present facts of living existence. Men live in every climate, are subject to all kinds of influences, and indulge in every sort of habit. It has become proverbial that “habit is second nature,” and “what is one man’s meat is another man’s poison.”
The evidence is hourly apparent that man may become accustomed to almost anything short of shooting or hanging No matter how repugnant or destructive a substance may be, we first endure it and then embrace, it provided time is given to secure the efficient operation of the body’s Balance-Wheel, whereby is prevented a violent swaying of vital activities from one extreme to the other.
It is the sudden and violent changes that become immediately destructive to the body, even sometimes when it is a change from bad to good. Because a habit does not seem to be immediately destructive is not proof that it is either beneficial or harmless. The secondary effects are the real and
lasting effects.
The bearing of the Law of Vital Adjustment on many important questions is evident. Any discussion or the subjects of food and drink, the treatment of those addicted to the use of liquor, tobacco, opium, food, involves this law. It is a lack of knowledge in this respect that has prevented the success of many reforms which had in them the elements of great value had they been carried to a successful issue.
All changes in man’s habits should be made with a distinct recognition of the fact, that Vital Accommodation will succeed provided time and opportunity are accorded. The Eater must not expect to become a Breather in a day nor a year. He must return to the perfect states as he departed from it.
The body must have time to change, alter its functions and adapt itself to that perfect state in which the Breatharian was when the Breath of Life supplied all his physiological needs and he was free of all poverty and want, of all discomfort and sickness.
Suddenly to shift the Hottenton to the frigid region of Greenland, or the Greenlander to the hot region of tropical Africa; to force upon one totally unused to polluted air, tobacco, liquor, drugs, opium or arsenic, which seem normal to those who indulge in them; or even quickly to deprive the victims of their indulgences, causes suffering, disaster and even death.
Move man from the low lands to mountainous regions and he experiences much difficulty in breathing, as his lungs are not adapted to the higher altitude. Keep him there and the adjustment will occur in the expansion of his lungs and the increase of their capacity.
The Breatharian lived in high regions and his lung capacity was much larger than that of the Gluttarian.
Every practice makes a place for itself in the vitality economy; and suddenly to cease any practice leaves a vacuum that is uncomfortable at least.
Every fact of life, as well as the Law of Vital Adjustment, goes to prove that man is a product of Evolution—but not in the sense that one species is evolved from another. Nor in the sense that animals are grown out of vegetables, or man from animals, except on a plan which is occurring under our daily observation. Cosmic Laws never change.
The passage of vegetal and animal material through the human body in the process of ingestion, digestion and elimination is a fact of observation. But these substances never become a part of the body, do not sustain it, and do not change its constitution.
Eating bacon does not transform man into a hog; nor will eating grass-seed make of him a bird; nor eating fish give him brains-medical art to the contrary.
If food built, nourished and sustained the body, it would change its constitution. That is a cosmic law that has no exception. If a house be built of bricks, it is constituted of bricks and not of wood or stone.
The press of May 3rd 1936, reported that a Hindu Bengali Kayastha woman of 68 had eaten nothing since she was 12. The account stated,
“Swami Yogananda Giri, the disciple of Guru Shama Charan Lahiry of Benares, came here recently from America and, accompanied by Messrs. Sandanada Sanyl, press representative, and Bibhuti Bhusan Ghosh, went to Patrassayar in the afternoon to visit the woman and gather from her the following information: She is active, discusses higher philosophy and religious matters, and an expert in “Paranayam and Yogi.” She takes nothing, not even a drop of water. She is always gay and looks like a child despite her age. She does not pass stool nor urine and does her household work like any other woman.
“The Swamiji wanted to take her to America with him, but she was not agreeable to this, as she had no order from her Guru to leave her native village.”—Amrita Bazaar Patrika.
One case is sufficient to show what is possible in a million other cases. Another person lives on nothing but orange juice for six months; another fasts six days a week for thirty years, eating only bread and water each Saturday.
It is not disputed that the Law of Vital Adjustment modifies physical development and function. It is believed the practice of parents becomes constitutional tendencies in their offspring. How far this process of development may extend, no one is able to say.
“The science of living beings in general, and especially the human individual, has not made much progress....We have grasped only certain aspects of ourselves. We do not apprehend man as a whole. We know him as composed of distinct parts; and even these parts are created by our methods” (Carrel in Man, The Unknown).
All discussions of man, his native environment, his natural and legitimate habits, must be conducted in the face of the fact that we have no science of Man, as Carrel often asserts in his book; and we have very little reliable information to guide us through the wilderness and confusion created by the many authors who have sought to advance their opinions, record their views, and register their conclusions as to a subject on which nothing much exists but vague theories and speculation.
Carrel says that modern science has grasped only certain aspects of man. What are they? How shall we know whether these aspects believed to have been grasped are aspects of fact or of fancy?
If modern science does not apprehend man as a whole, what parts does it apprehend and what parts does it omit? How shall we know whether the parts apprehended are correctly or incorrectly adjudged?
If we know man as being composed of distinct parts, and have created these parts by our methods, how shall we know whether the parts so created are true to the nature of man, or whether they are the products of the fanciful mind of the Evolutionist?
If modern science knows so little about modern man and admits it, there is no reason to believe it knows anything about that man who lived so far back in the remote past that there seems to be little reliable evidence extant to guide us in describing him or any part of him, or his environment or any of his habits.
We mentioned the giants described by Bharati that lived in the Golden Age, the Silver Age and the Copper Age. Modern Science will meet the report with a smile and pity the ignorance of him who made it.
The Bible should be good authority in this respect, as in it there are frequent references to “giants” being “on the earth in those days, and also after that” (Gen. 6:4).
All the people we saw in it (Canaan) are men of great stature. There we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants; and we were as grasshoppers compared to them (Num. 13:32, 33).
The Emims dwelt there in times past, a people great and many, and tall, as the Anakims; which also were accounted giants as the Anakims (Deut. 2:10, 11).
The amorites dwelt in the hill country of Canaan. His height was like that of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks (Amos 2:9).
In Deut. 3:11 it is said that only Og king of Bashan, remained of the remnant of giants. His bedstead was of iron, nine cubits long and four cubits wide, or about 13.5 feet long and six feet wide.
The Valley of Hinnom was known as the valley of the giants (Jos. 15:8).
Goliath of Gath was six cubits and a span in height (1 S. 17:4). That would make him approximately ten feet tall,—the height of man in the Copper Age.
The staff of Goliath’s spear was like a weaver’s beam; and his spear’s head weighed 600 shekels of iron (1 S:17:1).
R. M. Johnson, D. C., said in the Chiropractic Record of July 1916, that in 1830 a living man 18 feet tall was exhibited at Rouen. He added, “A few years later, near the same city, was found a human skeleton 19 feet long. Three human skeletons unearthed near Palermo measured 21, 30 and 34 feet in length.”
In the press of July 27th 1930, Ripley reported in his “Believe it or Not,” the case of Angoulaffre, the Saracen giant of the 8th century A.D., who was 12 feet tall.
The American Weekly of October 5th 1947, mentioned the case of Jan Van Albert, age 44, who was 9ʹ 3½″ tall.
The press of February 14th 1936, reported that the skeleton of a gigantic man, with head missing, was unearthed at El Boquin, on the Mico River, in the Chontales district of Nicaragua
. The ribs were a yard long and four inches wide. The shin bone was too heavy for one man to carry.
In the press of March 26th 1933, Ripley reported the case of Fedor Machnow, Russian giant of Charkow, who was 9ʹ 3″ tall.
In 1934 a Los Angeles dispatch reported that Dr. F. B. Russell had found in Death Valley, California, mummified remains of a race of men eight to nine feet tall.
Robert Wadlow, of Alton, Illinois, who died in 1941, was 8ʹ 9½″ tall, and weighed 490 pounds. The press of December 28th 1941, reported the case of Cliff Thompson of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who was 8ʹ 6″ tall.
Historians of ancient Rome say that the giant Posia and giantess Secundilla were 10ʹ 3″ tall.
Pliny wrote of the Arabian giant, Gabbaras, who was 9ʹ 3″ tall.
Gobind Rehari Lal in the American Weekly of September 17th 1944, stated:
“Science has at last proved what it long suspected—that those fairy tale giants really did exist. The time was more than half a million years ago, and they were not occasional freaks, like the circus giant, or Goliath of the Bible,
“Gigantopithecus, whose early existence was recently reported by Dr. Franz Weidenreich of the New York Museum of Natural History, averaged seven to nine feet tall, weighed 500 to 600 pounds, and had teeth six time the size of modern man’s and twice that of a gorilla. It is possible that an oversized Gigantopithecus may have stood 12 feet tall and weighed at least half a ton.”
“The most startling implication is that when the evidence is all in, he may not be the all-time human heavyweight, but merely a middleweight.”
“Gitantopithecus flourished between 500,000 and 800,000 years ago in Java, and man has been shrinking in size ever since. The father back we go, the bigger we find our ancestors.”